The stage was set

The people thought that witchcraft was the way to go.

Going to see a medium, one said, the others agreed.

I want to talk to my dead Aunt. 

They thought it would be fun. 

I just kept my head down and wanted to walk away. 

How could they be so stupid. 

How could they not know the dangers they were uncovering.

We dealt with dead bodies every day.

My mind was in a turmoil

It was racing here and there.

Surely they know that it's not there relative they are talking to,

But the Devil and his angels impersonating their loved ones.

They really thought it would be their Aunt or Mother or brother or Sister or Father.

Then a few days later when preparing for a family visit

Of a young man who'd suddenly passed away.

I was checking that he was all ready with tousled hair.

I'd seen this young man through embalming, I'd watched as he'd been sewn up. 

And thought of the loss to his family and friends. 

All of a sudden I felt a coldness in the room and as I looked diagonally across the body

There I saw a spirit standing there, watching me. 

It didn't speak, but I definitely felt uncomfortable. 

I made sure the cover was over the body and walked out of the room.

The scene invaded my thoughts and mind and haunted me throughout out the night. 

Every time I closed my eyes it was all I could see.

The next day was the same, so I decided to pray to Jesus

And to tell Him all about it. 

His reply seemed strange at the time.

He told me to close my eyes and go back to the scene.

And He would be there with me. 

As I stood there in my minds eye, 

I saw Jesus standing straight opposite me.

He spoke to me and said

"Whenever this image pops into your mind, Remember I am there standing opposite you.

Nothing and no-one can harm you, So do not be afraid"

That cold, haunted feeling that had tormented me, was now replaced.

Replaced with Jesus's love and protection. 

I want to pass on to you, that whatever you are going through, whether good or bad

When you are overwhelmed by life, ask Jesus to come along.

He will stand beside you like He did for me, 

And take away the terrors that are haunting you.

For Jesus wants to be there with you, but you have to ask Him first.


After this happened I read Psalm 139 v 7 Message Bible

Is there any place I can go to avoid Your Spirit, to be out of your sight.  If I climb to the sky, you are there. If I go underground You're there. If I flew on morning's wings to the far western horizon, You'd find me in a minute -  you're already there waiting!

Jesus is there where we are and waiting to help us get through.