Jesus, how did it feel when you came to earth

And was born in such humble surroundings

How did it feel as you grew up as a child

Knowing that you were the Son of God

How did you react to others around

Were you kind and thoughtful to all

How did you feel when you prayed

Did the words come easily

Or did you struggle at times to know what to say.

How did you feel, knowing you were to die

The most horrible public death of all.

How did it feel Jesus bearing my sins

when you died on the cross. 

For I am not worthy of your great love. 

How did it feel when  you arrived back in Heaven, 

Knowing that for each one of us you died. 

How does it feel, when people reject you

And when they die, you reject them from heaven. 

Jesus, I don't know the answers.

But one thing I am so sure of

That I am so thankful to you for all you have done

And still are doing in my life. 

Holy Jesus keep me close to you

So that when I reach heaven,

I can see you as you are.

And say a great big thank you to you.