Let's think about flowers
Some are small, some are very large
Some seem insignificant
Whilst other ooze greatness
All colours, all shapes
Each different from each other.
There are flowers that love the hot sun,
They thrive on following its path in the sky.
Some love the cooler weather
And brighten up the dreary days.
We are all like flowers, each one of us are different.
Each performing a different task.
Some may be loud and wanting the limelight
some unassuming and happy to be in the background.
Like flowers some are long lasting
Whilst others last just a short while.
All are ,part of God's world
And all have a choice to make
For God can take one flower and transform it or remove it.
He has the right to do so.
Like flowers, God can take a person and change them.
He can open the doors of His love,
And surround them with His Gifts
But He doesn't impose on where He's not wanted
As He looks for hearts that are open to change.
What do you think about God?
What are you allowing God to do for you.