I stand at the foot of the cross

And there I see all the suffering

Suffering not for Himself, 

For He didn't need salvation.

The Son of God had no reason to die

The Son of God had no reason to take my place.

For how can the creator become sin for me

I really don't understand.

And as I watch Him in so much pain

He looked at me and smiled.

It was as though He was saying to me

"This pain you see is all for you.

I want you to understand my friend,

This life is oh so temporary 

But eternity is forever.

You have a choice before you

Whether you want eternal bliss or not,

Will you be like the thief by my side

And ask for eternity with me. 

Or are you prepared to take your chance

and burn through all eternity". 

Standing there I know the answer

As the tears fell down like rain. 

This man that we call Jesus

Had opened his arms to me

And I fall down and pray

Please Lord, let me come home with You.

Now I ask, what is your answer

To the man upon the cross