Don't manipulate my love, for my love is absolute

My love is pure, you cannot change it.

You can't even rearrange it, to make it into what you want

My love is the purest kind of love there is

It is the only true love there is

It is this love that came and died for you

It is this love that created the heavens and earth

All the animals, fish and birds

Everything you see, I created.

In the beginning, all was perfect. 

I gave it all for you to look after, I gave it to you as an appreciation of my love for you

So, I ask, how have you received my love?

 Have you cherished it and held it close to your heart

Or have you tried to re-create it.

Little do you know, you can't do that

The created cannot change into the creator.

For no matter how perfect you think you are

When you stand before me, you fail miserably. 

But I made a way for you.

I saw you struggling in everything you do.

And love became my mission.

In order to help you, I had to send myself.

Why? because nothing else was perfect enough. 

Nothing else could break the power of sin in your life.

I had no other choice; you deserved the best. 

Now , I'm asking for you to open your heart and listen to the words I'm saying.

Come and surrender your life to me and I will do amazing things in your life.

I will give you the peace you crave

I will give you the joy that knows no limit. 

When you go through the rough patches of life, I will be with you,

You will not be alone.

I am the only true God who loves you and wants you to succeed

Come to me and talk to me.  No fancy words needed

Just come as you are and talk to me

I'm here waiting for you.


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