I asked for God to show me something different. 

He promised me he would.

There was a large shed at the bottom of a garden. 

It looked as if it had been there for a long time.

The door was unhinged and I went inside.

There was a man sat on a stool. 

In front of him was a potters wheel. 

He placed some clay and started the wheel turning. 

With skilled hands he worked the clay. 

It began to change shape as his hands guided it. 

And then collapsed all into the centre. 

The potter took the broken clay and made a new ball. 

As he started again, he worked it patiently, 

But very soon the clay began to crack.

What happens now, I asked the Potter. 

Well, I start all over again until it comes out perfect. 

And so He did. 

When he finished, the bowl looks fabulous and He was beaming.

He said to me, "This is what God does, 

He takes our imperfect lives and gently molds them until they are complete, 

It may take a long time but he doesn't stop trying

Until he gets it right for us and we are perfect in His sight. 

Don't be afraid of pain, for they are growing pains

That lead us closer to God, until the day

When pain shall be no more and you can see him face to face for ever.